As protective of your baby as you are

Bottle warmers and baby sterilizers

Number one brand recommended by Mums

Philips bottle sterilizers features

Philips Avent Sterilizers Kill 99% of germs Icon

Kill 99.9% of germs

Philips Avent Sterilizers Quick and Convenient Icon

Quick and convenient

Philips Avent Sterilizer Space Saving Design Icon

Space-saving design

Baby Bottle Sterilizer

Baby Bottle Sterlizer

Unfortunately this product is no longer available

Suggested retail price: MYR349.00

Philips bottle warmers features

Philips Avent Sterilizers Kill 99% of germs Icon

Kill 99.9% of germs

Philips Avent Bottle Warmers icon

Warms evenly, no hot spots

Gently defrosts

Fast bottle warmer

Philips Avent Fast Bottle Warmer Bottles and Container
Suggested retail price: MYR269.00

Insider advice to make your choice easier

Just like a new parent, our sterilizers are pretty adaptable. Use them to clean bottles as well as pacifiers, breast pumps and teething rings. Handy, right?"

Philips Design team


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Meet the Baby+ App
Number one brand recommended by Mums

Bottle warmers and baby bottle sterilizers

Meet a bottle warmer and sterilizer range that's as protective of your baby as you are. Our electric and microwave bottle sterilizers kill 99.9% of germs and are low on kitchen space. At mealtime, use our bottle warmers to defrost and gently warm milk to the ideal temperature. Bon appetit!


*Based on December 2015 GemSeek online satisfaction survey conducted among more than 9,000 female users of childcare brands and products.

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