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How to get rid of razor bumps and prevent them from returning


Seasonal changes can take a toll on sensitive skin and aggravate shaving issues, like razor burn, razor bumps and ingrown hairs. 


The most common skin irritations commonly arise from shaving too closely and using too much pressure on the face. This is the case with ingrown hairs and razor bumps, where the hair grows into (not out of) the skin. Redness and razor burn are brought on by friction from shaving too long or too hard.


Medically known as ‘pseudofolliculitis barbae’, razor bumps can be an unsightly and irritating effect of shaving but there are ways to reduce the risk of developing them. Read on to find out what you can do to change your routine and learn how to shave without getting razor bumps.



Step 1: Go for a clean shave, not a close shave

Aim to achieve a clean-shaven look. By using a sharp, clean blade you can achieve a clean shave. Using a blunt razor can give you a close shave but not a clean one and can make you press harder on your skin. This can make the hairs so short that they grow back into or under the skin – which is one of the causes of razor burn. Try to shave every other day if your grooming needs allow.


Remember: sharp blades will move over your skin easily, blunt ones will tug.



Step 2: Shave when and where it’s cooler

Shaving in a hot bathroom or during the heat of the day can make razor burn worse. Try shaving in the evening to give irritable skin a chance to recover overnight. You can also pat down your skin with cool water after a shave to close the pores back up and soothe your skin. Water is your friend here. You can use warm (not hot) water before your shave to relax your skin and open the pores. This can also keep your skin clean before your shave which leads to less chance of infection or irritation. Then use cool water at the end of your shave.


See more below ↓

What you need

Shaver series 3000

Wet or Dry electric shaver


Shaver series 3000 Wet or Dry electric shaver


Fresh shave, More comfort

Philips AquaTouch shaver 3000 gives you a convenient and comfortable wet or dry shave. With 5D Pivot & Flex heads, ComfortCut blade system, and 60 minutes of shaving See all benefits

Fresh shave, More comfort

Philips AquaTouch shaver 3000 gives you a convenient and comfortable wet or dry shave. With 5D Pivot & Flex heads, ComfortCut blade system, and 60 minutes of shaving See all benefits

Step 3: Apply moisturizer with SPF protection

Sunburn is the last thing you need when you’re dealing with razor burn, razor bumps or ingrown hairs. Use moisturizer with SPF to protect against the sun. Moisturiser helps keep your skin soft and soothed which reduces your risk of irritation that can lead to razor bumps. You should always moisturize after shaving. Use a good, quality moisturiser that is gentle on skin and lets it breathe. You don’t want one that is too heavily scented or filled with a long list of chemicals. Using a gentle aftershave product doesn’t go astray either!

Bar chart with recommended SPF range to avoid skin irritation

Step 4: Use a soft face brush

To clean and exfoliate, try using a soft-bristled face brush to eliminate dead skin cells and clear follicles to allow hairs to surface unimpeded. It also prepares the skin for shaving and raises stubble to help prevent razor bumps. If you have ingrown hairs, it helps dislodge them. Try using the face brush every day to keep your skin clean and unclogged – this will help reduce your risk of getting razor bumps.

Shaving is a hot bathroom or during the heat of the day can make razor burn worse. Try shaving in the evening to give irritable skin a chance to recover overnight.


Step 5: Dry shave with a rotary shaver

Believe it or not, a dry shave is the kindest shaving method for sensitive skin. Foams & gels contain chemicals that can cause irritation. If you’re switching from a razor to a rotary shaver, use a wet & dry shaver and start by wet shaving without foam, before making the switch to fully dry. Make sure to keep the blades sharp and clean. Always clean the blades after every use and inspect them for any signs of dullness. A dull razor increases your risk of developing razor burn so using the right tools is important.


How to use a rotary shaver to prevent razor burn, bumps & ingrown hairs

  • Be gentle. Don’t press hard on your skin.
  • Use small, fast circular motions even around the jawline and mouth.
  • Spend no longer than 3 minutes on each shave.
  • Shave every other day, if possible.

For best results and to keep your skin used to the electric shaver, it’s best to shave at least three times a week.


Don’t forget to clean your shaver after use for optimal performance and hygiene. Rinse it with lots of lukewarm water, shake off the excess and lay it down open to dry.



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