
Oral Healthcare

The Link Between Heart Disease & Gum Disease


Our teeth and our heart seem so far from each other, a medical link between the two is almost shocking. There is no proof of any connection between the two, but we can see a correlation between the cardio-vascular system and oral hygiene. There are a few reasons for this link.

Consistent self-care


One big reason that people with clean, white smiles might also have better cardio-vascular health is that both come from taking care of yourself. People who take good care of their teeth and gums are more likely to take care of the rest of their body as well. People who ignore their oral care are likely to ignore other aspects of bodily care, which can lead to health issues. This would be an example where there is a correlation between heart health and oral health, but no real link or causation.

Infections can affect the whole   


If we have an infection anywhere on our body, it can affect the whole system. Our bodies will automatically dedicate energy to fight off infection, which can leave the rest of our body feeling slightly weakened.

Infections in the mouth often lead to inflammation. Inflammation causes our immune cells to attack the irritant causing inflammation. Poor oral health and dental care can increase the risk of infection and inflammation, causing increased strain on our bodies.

Diet-related issues


A poor diet can affect the entire body all at once. Eating heavy foods that build up in the arteries will cause cardiovascular issues. Some of those same foods can also affect your oral health. Sugary snacks, for example, can damage the teeth, causing cavities and erosion.


Unhealthy food can damage the heart and the teeth at the same time, creating a correlation between oral health and heart health. This is another example, of course, of correlation and not causation. When it comes to diet-related issues, the teeth and the heart are not affecting each other at all. Instead, they’re both being affected and damaged by the same cause—poor diet. A change to diet could improve both cardiovascular and oral health, but you should contact your dental and health professionals for direct assistance.

Gum disease and heart disease  


The largest connection between our teeth and our heart is the link between gum disease and heart disease. You can’t get a heart infection from your teeth, but some forms of tooth decay and heart disease are linked.

Gum disease is also known as periodontitis or in the early stages, gingivitis. Gum disease has four stages, and gingivitis is the first stage and the only stage where the effects are fully reversible. Once the gum disease progresses further, it can cause permanent damage. 


In the later stages, gum disease causes your gums to recede and pull back from the teeth to expose the bone underneath. The disease will attack the bone and eventually—when untreated—make its way into your blood system. From there the disease can begin to attack the rest of your body, including your heart.

What you need

Philips Sonicare 3100 series

Sonic electric toothbrush

Goodbye manual toothbrush. Hello Sonic technology.

Sonic technology combined with our brush action gently removes 3x more plaque than a manual toothbrush.

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How to prevent gum disease


Gum disease occurs when plaque builds up and spawns harmful bacteria. The best way to prevent gum disease is to make sure you’re taking care of your oral hygiene.


Regular brushing (twice a day) and flossing (once a day) are essential when it comes to fighting gum disease and gingivitis. Even if you have gingivitis and want to stop it before it progresses further, proper oral healthcare is the right way to go.

If you brush your teeth with a manual toothbrush, you might want to consider switching to an electric toothbrush instead. Most electric toothbrushes are more efficient at removing plaque from teeth. The specially designed bristles on an electric toothbrush complement the brush’s movements to deliver optimal oral care.


A Philips Sonicare toothbrush makes up to 62,000 brush strokes per minute to make removing plaque and prevent gingivitis and gum disease easy. A Sonicare brush can also help you reach those harder to access parts of your mouth. You can position the brush head where you need it to be and it will brush your teeth without you needing to manoeuvre the whole brush in a tricky position.

Make sure you brush all of your teeth and even up onto the gum line where the gums and teeth meet. When it comes to flossing, you should be gently moving the floss up and down between your teeth. You should even floss slightly into the gum line to remove any plaque that could be settling under the gums. Remember to be careful not to be too forceful, you don’t want to scratch or bruise your gums.


If flossing with floss string is unappealing, electric flossers are also a very good option. Sonicare Power Flosser uses clever technology and microbursts of air and water to push out any food debris and plaque between your teeth. You can just align the nozzle in front of the space between your teeth and activate the bursting.


Give your teeth the proper care they need and check in with your dentist regularly or whenever you notice an issue.