Sean is a principal on the investment side of Philips Ventures in Boston and also serves as Venture Investment Lead for Image-Guide Therapy businesses. He’s worked in healthcare policy and strategy for 15 years. He also helped found two start-ups focused on wellness robotics and left ventricular device (LVAD) technology for people with heart failure. Sean is passionate about the potential of remote patient care, digital front door, digital diagnostics and therapeutics, cybersecurity and disruptive technologies like artificial intelligence and natural language processing.
Before joining Philips Ventures, Sean led Philips Group Strategy initiatives, which helped drive innovations in the company’s health cloud commercialization and wearables market. He’s also worked in policy at the FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health and the Boston Consulting Group and medical device research at Johns Hopkins and Cambridge University. Sean is on the board of Orbita and is an observer at Babyscripts and other Philips Ventures investments. He holds a PhD in Engineering from Cambridge University and BSci Biomedical Engineering from Johns Hopkins.
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