

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 4.x

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 2.x, 3.x

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 1.x

Xcelera R4, R3, R2

Cardiology Timeline

Cardiology Timeline which provides a panoramic chronological overview of your patients’ cardiovascular care continuum

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Customizable Workspace / Worklists

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Multi-modality review

Compare multi-modality images and/or documents side-by-side

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cross icon

EMR integration

Launch from an EMR into IntelliSpace Cardiovascular / Xcelera

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checkmark with asterisk

EMR integration

Launch from IntelliSpace Cardiovascular into an EMR

check mark icon
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check mark icon
cross icon

Expanded WebAPI

Ability to launch into a third-party application that supports launching via URL on system, patient, study and series level

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cross icon

Web-based echo module

View diagnostic quality echo images and finalize a report wherever you are

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Web-based pediatric workflow

Access z-score packages and finalize a pediatric report wherever you are

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cross icon
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Web-based echo report template editor

Generate a report using user-configurable templates that allow you to format the data in a way most meaningful to you

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cross icon
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PDF Import Tool

PDF documents can be imported into IntelliSpace Cardiovascular and are displayed on the Cardiology Timeline, helping to complete patients' cardiovascular records

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cross icon

Diagnostic Guidance

Warns you of conflicts, errors, omissions, or patterns that would otherwise go unreported or mistakenly reported

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cross icon

Advanced Visualization (powered by IntelliSpace Portal)

Access CT TAVI planning, CT Comprehensive Cardiac Analysis, Multi-modality Advanced Vessel Analysis, MR Cardiac Viewer and Analysis

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cross icon

Integration with Xper IM

Access Xper IM directly from IntelliSpace Cardiovascular and import images from IntelliSpace Cardiovascular into the Xper IM report

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Data mining capabilities

Access supply utilization and productivity and outcomes reporting

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OS Support

Microsoft Windows 10
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Enterprise (workstation)

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Browser support

Google Chrome, IE 10 / 11, Safari

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*Not supported for Xcelera R2


Cardiology Timeline


Cardiology Timeline which provides a panoramic chronological overview of your patients’ cardiovascular care continuum

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 4.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 2.x, 3.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 1.x

check mark icon

Xcelera R4, R3, R2

cross icon




Customizable Workspace / Worklists

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 4.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 2.x, 3.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 1.x

check mark icon

Xcelera R4, R3, R2

check mark icon


Multi-modality review


Compare multi-modality images and/or documents side-by-side

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 4.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 2.x, 3.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 1.x

check mark icon

Xcelera R4, R3, R2

cross icon


EMR integration


Launch from an EMR into IntelliSpace Cardiovascular / Xcelera

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 4.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 2.x, 3.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 1.x

check mark icon

Xcelera R4, R3, R2

checkmark with asterisk


EMR integration


Launch from IntelliSpace Cardiovascular into an EMR

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 4.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 2.x, 3.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 1.x

check mark icon

Xcelera R4, R3, R2

cross icon


Expanded WebAPI


Ability to launch into a third-party application that supports launching via URL on system, patient, study and series level

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 4.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 2.x, 3.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 1.x

check mark icon

Xcelera R4, R3, R2

cross icon


Web-based echo module


View diagnostic quality echo images and finalize a report wherever you are

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 4.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 2.x, 3.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 1.x

cross icon

Xcelera R4, R3, R2

cross icon


Web-based pediatric workflow


Access z-score packages and finalize a pediatric report wherever you are

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 4.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 2.x, 3.x

cross icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 1.x

cross icon

Xcelera R4, R3, R2

cross icon


Web-based echo report template editor


Generate a report using user-configurable templates that allow you to format the data in a way most meaningful to you

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 4.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 2.x, 3.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 1.x

cross icon

Xcelera R4, R3, R2

cross icon


PDF Import Tool


PDF documents can be imported into IntelliSpace Cardiovascular and are displayed on the Cardiology Timeline, helping to complete patients' cardiovascular records

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 4.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 2.x, 3.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 1.x

check mark icon

Xcelera R4, R3, R2

cross icon


Diagnostic Guidance


Warns you of conflicts, errors, omissions, or patterns that would otherwise go unreported or mistakenly reported

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 4.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 2.x, 3.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 1.x

check mark icon

Xcelera R4, R3, R2

cross icon


Advanced Visualization (powered by IntelliSpace Portal)


Access CT TAVI planning, CT Comprehensive Cardiac Analysis, Multi-modality Advanced Vessel Analysis, MR Cardiac Viewer and Analysis

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 4.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 2.x, 3.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 1.x

check mark icon

Xcelera R4, R3, R2

cross icon


Integration with Xper IM


Access Xper IM directly from IntelliSpace Cardiovascular and import images from IntelliSpace Cardiovascular into the Xper IM report

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 4.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 2.x, 3.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 1.x

check mark icon

Xcelera R4, R3, R2

check mark icon


Data mining capabilities


Access supply utilization and productivity and outcomes reporting

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 4.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 2.x, 3.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 1.x

check mark icon

Xcelera R4, R3, R2

check mark icon


OS Support


Microsoft Windows 10
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Enterprise (workstation)

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 4.x

check mark icon
check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 2.x, 3.x

check mark icon
check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 1.x

cross icon
check mark icon

Xcelera R4, R3, R2

cross icon
check mark icon


Browser support


Google Chrome, IE 10 / 11, Safari

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 4.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 2.x, 3.x

check mark icon

IntelliSpace Cardiovascular 1.x

check mark icon

Xcelera R4, R3, R2

cross icon

*Not supported for Xcelera R2

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